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Seafood Memories

Lydia Zhou


Seafood Memories was taken in Chinatown, near where I dorm in New York City. I feel like walking around as an Asian American feels nostalgically strange. You see lots of tourists and visitors around, but this is home. I speak my home language here, I understand the conversations around me, but I'm different. The distinct smells and atmosphere of a Chinese fish market are deeply engraved in my childhood memories, and I wanted to portray that in a stylistic yet vast way in this image.


2024, 18X24

Prints available at gallery

$15 for 5X7 prints
$30 for 8.5X11 prints

Zelle @ lydiaazhou

Artist Bio

Lydia Zhou (she/her) is a 19 year old, Chinese American photographer and visual artist. She attends school at NYU Tisch, majoring in Photography, and is originally from San Diego/LA, CA. A majority of her artwork surrounds themes of identity through culture, her unique experiences and upbringing, and the people and lives that surround her. Her passion in art shows through her Asian American-ness. She's thrilled to be apart of The Kitchen Project, especially as she resonates and believes deeply in the language of food. lydzzz.com