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A Sweet and Delicious Love Language

Lydia Zhou


A Sweet and Delicious Love Language was taken at my 阿婆 (Grandmother's) house back in Shanghai. Before I even sat down, or even asked how I was, she offered me the finest fruit she had of persimmons and pears, cut into little squares. I snapped this picture in hopes of capturing the childlike excitement and generosity I felt when I ate them.


2023, 18X24

Prints available at gallery

$15 for 5X7 prints
$30 for 8.5X11 prints

Zelle @ lydiaazhou

Artist Bio

Lydia Zhou (she/her) is a 19 year old, Chinese American photographer and visual artist. She attends school at NYU Tisch, majoring in Photography, and is originally from San Diego/LA, CA. A majority of her artwork surrounds themes of identity through culture, her unique experiences and upbringing, and the people and lives that surround her. Her passion in art shows through her Asian American-ness. She's thrilled to be apart of The Kitchen Project, especially as she resonates and believes deeply in the language of food. lydzzz.com